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Elder Law and Estate Planning with Melissa O'Connor

Apr 29, 2021

Who is my Successor Trustee If I don’t name one?

I love comments. I make these videos specifically to help people with no expectations. Please take a second and say ‘Hi’ in the comments and let me and know what you thought of the video… and p.s. It would mean the world to me if you hit the subscribe...

Apr 22, 2021

How much Assets Can I have if my Spouse needs Medicaid?


I love comments. I make these videos specifically to help people with no expectations. Please take a second and say ‘Hi’ in the comments and let me and know what you thought of the video… and p.s. It would mean the world to me if you hit the subscribe...

Apr 16, 2021

Is Life Insurance Counted as an Asset by Medicaid?


I love comments. I make these videos specifically to help people with no expectations. Please take a second and say ‘Hi’ in the comments and let me and know what you thought of the video… and p.s. It would mean the world to me if you hit the subscribe...

Apr 6, 2021

Why is an Affidavit of Heirs Necessary in Florida Probate?

I love comments. I make these videos specifically to help people with no expectations. Please take a second and say ‘Hi’ in the comments and let me and know what you thought of the video… and p.s. It would mean the world to me if you hit the subscribe...