Mar 16, 2020
If you think you are all set finanically, this video is for you.
Thinking positively is great - but planning for success is better.
Don’t be a vicitm to these common money myths related to aging -
take the time to care for yourself now.
I love comments. I make these videos specifically to help people
with no...
Mar 13, 2020
If a Medicaid application is in your future, get clear on what is a
countable asset and what is an income stream before you make any
hasty decisions regarding selling your property. Protect your
legacy and get the long term care benefits you need and
I love comments. I make these videos specifically to help...
Mar 12, 2020
It saddens me when I hear these common myths or misinformation
about Medicaid planning in crisis situations. Elder Law Attorney
Melissa O’Connor seeks to encourage you to not believe the nay
sayers and seek out legal advise.
I love comments. I make these videos specifically to help people
with no expectations....
Mar 9, 2020
If you or a loved one is a Green Card holder or Lawful Permanent Resident who dreams of adjusting their status to become a US Citizen AND would benefit from Medicaid for their long term care needs, today’s video is for you. Elder Law Attorney Melissa O’Connor discusses whether a green card holder can qualify...
Mar 6, 2020
As people enter their golden years many consider getting a reverse
mortgage. In today’s video Elder Law Attorney Melissa O’Connor
discusses some things to consider as you evaluate if a reverse
mortgage is good for you.
I love comments. I make these videos specifically to help people
with no expectations. Please...